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Wellbeing Support Services
Wellbeing Support Services (WSS) are ideal for people who do not meet diagnosis for mental illness but are struggling with the pressures and stresses of everyday life, including mild symptoms of adjustment, grief and loss, and anxiety and depression, with some impact on functioning. Referral to this support is voluntary with no need for diagnosis or formal referral – people may refer themselves.
It includes a range of services including online support, phone based support, and access to information and resources.
View eligibility criteria Search WSS Services View all servicesTargeted Psychological Support Services
Targeted Psychological Support Services (TPS) provides free short-term focused psychological interventions for children, young people and adults with mental illness.
TPS Includes up to 12 sessions of counselling support with a CAREinMIND contracted mental health clinician. Clinicians hold qualifications in Clinical Psychology, Psychology, Mental Health Social Work, Mental Health Nursing and Aboriginal Health (mental health trained).
View eligibility criteria Search TPSS Services View all servicesIntensive Support Services
Intensive Support Services (ISS) provide comprehensive coordinated support for people with complex mental illness and ongoing primary support needs. ISS is delivered by credentialed mental health nurses working in collaboration with the client’s general practitioner and/or psychiatrist and other services involved in the client’s care.
Psychosocial Support Services
Psychosocial Support Services are targeted for people with severe mental illness who need additional support to help them build capacity for daily living. The services provide non-clinical community based supports to achieve the recovery goals of individuals.
Psychosocial Support Services will benefit people who are significantly affected by severe mental illness which has an impact on their associated psychosocial functional capacity. This group of people may not be eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) because their illness is not associated with a significant psychosocial disability.
View eligibility criteria Search PSS Services View all servicesSuicide Prevention and Postvention Services
North Western Melbourne PHN funds a number of providers to deliver suicide prevention services and support after suicide (post-vention support) in their local area.
Suicide prevention services provide a rapid and intensive response to individuals at heightened risk of suicide. Contact occurs within 24 hours of referral and the first session of care is generally provided within 72 hours of intake to the service. Note: this is not a crisis service.
Postvention services provide support and resources for people bereaved by the suicide of a loved one. Support provided may include counselling, group support and other resources to assist with recovery.
View eligibility criteria Search SPPS Services View all servicesDual Diagnosis Services
Dual Diagnosis Services provide support, treatment and referral assistance to people experiencing coexisting alcohol and/or drug and mental health issues. Services are available for a range of community groups and at various locations across the NWMPHN region.
Alcohol and Other Drug Services
Alcohol and other drug (AoD) treatment services commissioned by NWMPHN recognise the current challenges faced by people experiencing harm with their alcohol, or other drug use, and those who support them within our region and beyond.
Treatment options may include assessment, counselling, outreach and non-residential facility based care, targeting locations and communities of high need.
View eligibility criteria Search AOD Services View all servicesAbout our System of Care
Our System of Care promotes a person-centred approach, matching people with available supports according to their specific needs. Care is coordinated through our CAREinMIND service system, which provides access to a range of local, contracted services.
Services are targeted and appropriate for a wide range of community and cultural groups, and delivered throughout our region. Search by age group, target population, location, treatment type and complexity or mode of delivery.