Our region

The North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network NWMPHN) catchment encompasses one of the most diverse and complex regions in Australia.

Our community

Our region stretches far north and west from the city centre, reaching farmland and coastal areas.

More than 1.9 million people live in the NWMPHN catchment, and hundreds of thousands more travel within it for work or study.

The area covers 3,212 square-kilometres. It contains 13 Local Government Areas (LGAs), ranging from the largely rural Macedon Ranges to the densely built-up CBD of Melbourne itself.

The region includes three of the fastest growing LGAs in the country – Wyndham, Melton and Hume – which collectively house 36 per cent of its population. By 2030, NWMPHN’s catchment area is expected to contain 2.4 million people.

The residents of our region collectively speak more than 200 languages, and more than 710,000 of them were born overseas. This includes more than 30,500 permanent residents on humanitarian programs.

The area contains significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities, and LGBTIQ+ people.

Many individuals and groups within the region experience significant disadvantage, including low income, advanced age, poor education, homelessness, disability, mental health challenges and chronic disease. These communities are the focus of priority care and support by NWMPHN and its health care partners.

To find out more about our priority programs, start here.

Local government areas in our region.
We support all local government areas in our region.

Services in our region

Health care facilities in the NWMPHN catchment area include:

  • 561 general practice clinics
  • 12 public hospitals
  • 15 private overnight hospitals
  • 22 mental health inpatient service providers
  • 1327 mental health outpatient service providers
  • 375 pharmacies
  • 3 super clinics
  • 1437 allied health services
  • 11 community health centres
  • 126 residential aged care facilities

To find health care services near you start here.