My mental health

Local services directory and online support

The following service guide includes services available for everyone (regardless of age or circumstance) as well as for families, young people, men, LGBTIQ+ people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from migrant and refugee backgrounds and those seeking asylum, and carers.

All services provide confidential support and are legally obliged to protect your privacy and handle your information with care. Many are free or low-cost. Please contact the service directly to find out if it is suitable for you.

For more detail about specific services in your local area visit You can also find state-wide phone and online mental health services at

Mental health services for:

  • Everyone

    Head to Health

    Free service, for all Victorians, of all ages. Open 8:30am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.

    A trained professional will take your call, give you advice, and if you need it, connect you to a free Head to Health hub or help you find the support that suits your needs.

    Call: 1800 595 212

    Alcohol and Drug Support – DirectLine

    Free 24-hour alcohol and drug counselling and referral via telephone or online chat.

    Call: 1800 888 236

    Beyond Blue

    Free information and support, chat online, email or join an online community forum.

    Call: 1300 22 4636

    Black Dog Institute

    Black Dog Institute is the only independent medical institute in Australia investigating mental health research for all ages. Using its unique translational approach allows it to quickly turn world-class scientific findings into clinical services, educational programs and e-health products that improve the lives of people with mental illness.

    CAREinMIND™ Wellbeing Support Service

    Free 24/7 online and phone counselling for people living, working or studying in Melbourne’s northern, central and western suburbs.

    Call 1300 096 269

    Community health services

    Community health services provide free and low-cost assistance, including counselling.

    You can find all local community health centres listed on the Victorian Department of Health website.


    Free counselling and support to people experiencing loss and grief at any stage in life.

    Call: 1300 845 745

    Head to Health online mental health resources

    A large range of online programs and resources – find the right digital mental health support for your needs.


    Free 24-hour national telephone crisis counselling service.

    Call: 13 11 14
    Text: 0477 131 114 – Online counselling service, further information and service finder.

    Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs

    The Victorian Government’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs are available to Victorians of all ages who have any mental health or wellbeing concerns.

    Support is also available for families, friends and carers of people who are experiencing mental health issues.

    Call: 1300 375 330

    SANE Australia

    SANE has rolled out a new guided service that provides free tailored digital and telehealth support services for people with complex mental health issues and their families and carers. Complex mental health issues include bipolar, schizophrenia, complex trauma, and other diagnoses, as well as co-occurring issues such as autism and intellectual disability.

    Suicide Call Back Service

    Free 24-hour national telephone and online counselling service for people 15 years and over who are suicidal or bereaved by suicide.

    Call: 1300 659 467

    Support After Suicide

    Free all-ages counselling, support groups and online resources for those bereaved by suicide.

    Call: 03 9421 7640

    Specialist mental health services

    Operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Provides immediate telephone access to an experienced mental health clinician who can help determine the type and urgency of the response needed. This is a free service.

    Emergency numbers for local government areas (depending where you live):

  • Families

    drummond street services

    Adopts a whole-of-family and community-based approach to providing support. Available for personal counselling, parenting classes, seminars, or facilitated groups.

    Call:03 9663 6733

    ForWhen Helpline

    ForWhen provides new and expecting parents – mums, dads, and guardians – with a caring, supportive mental health navigation service, to guide you and your family throughout your perinatal journey, from your baby’s conception until their first birthday.

    It’s a national support line that connects you to the right service that can help you understand what you’re feeling and provide the guidance and support you need at the right time. All you need to do is call 1300 24 23 22 or visit

    Kids Helpline

    Free 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25 years.

    Call:1800 55 1800
    For kids:
    For teenagers and young

    PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia

    Free information and helpline service for women, men and their families who are finding it difficult to cope leading up to or following the birth of a child.

    Call: 1300 726 306


    Free phone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old, offering counselling and support on parenting issues.

    Call: 13 22 89

    Safe Steps

    Free professional support services for women and children experiencing violence and abuse from a partner or ex-partner, another family member or someone close to them.

    Call: 1800 015 188

  • Young people

    Kids Helpline

    Free confidential 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25 years.

    Call: 1800 55 1800
    For teenagers and young adults:

    headspace services

    Providing mental health services for young people aged 12-25. Chat at a centre, online, by email, or speak on the phone with a qualified professional.

    Call headspace: 1800 650 890

    headspace centres near you:


    Online community for young people between the ages of 14-25 to chat, connect and support each other.

  • Men

    MensLine Australia

    Free telephone and online support, information and referral service to help men with relationship and other problems.

    Call: 1300 789 978

    You Got This Mate

    A website that provides tips and info to help men reach their best possible mental health.


  • LGBTIQ+ people

    Mind Equality Centre

    The Mind Equality Centre is a safe place for LGBTIQ people that provides psychological and allied health counselling for individuals, couples and families.

    Call: 1300 054 284 (13 000 LGBTI)


    Free telephone and online chat peer support between the hours of 3:00pm to midnight, 7 days per week.

    Call: 1800 184 527
    Web chat and more information:


    queerspace provides low or no-cost confidential counselling, peer support and a range of other services to support LGBTIQ people and their families.

    Call: 03 9663 6733

    Rainbow Door

    Free telephone and online chat peer support between the hours of 10:00am to 6.00pm, 7 days per week.

    Call: 1800 729 367

    Switchboard Victoria

    Free, peer-driven support services for LGBTIQ people, their families, friends and communities.

    Call: 03 9663 2474

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

    Dardi Munwurro

    Men’s and family counselling services, including mensline specifically for Aboriginal men.

    Call: 1800 435 799

    Djirra – Family violence support service for Aboriginal people

    Free practical support to Aboriginal women and particularly to Aboriginal people who are currently experiencing family violence or have in the past.

    Call: 1800 105 303

    Thirrili – National Indigenous Critical Response Service (NICRS)

    The NICRS supports individuals, families and communities affected by suicide or other significant trauma. A critical response support advocate can be contacted 24/7.

    Call: 1800 805 801

    Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency

    Family counselling and a range of support services for the Victorian Aboriginal community.


    Victorian Aboriginal Health Service

    Free, culturally safe service for adults and children. Provides social and emotional wellbeing and mental health counselling, cultural healing and recovery programs, care coordination and outreach support, for individuals and families.

    Call: 03 9403 3300


    Social, emotional and cultural wellbeing online resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

    Yarning SafeNStrong

    Yarn safely with culturally suitable counsellors who ‘get it’, no matter how big or small the challenge. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Call: 1800 959 563




  • CALD communities

    Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association

    The Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association’s (AVWA) ‘Pathways to Wellbeing’ helps you find mental health services, learn about the new Victorian mental health system and your rights.

    The program also gives information about AVWA services, legal services and using interpreters. It does not ask you for any information that would identify you and will help you find services that respect your confidentiality.

    Visit the AVWA website for more information.

    Centre for Muslim Wellbeing

    Centre for Muslim Wellbeing (CMW) provides a list of culturally responsive mental health practitioners and services that meet the needs of multicultural communities. The list includes psychologists, counsellors, social workers and other health professionals. Provider information includes areas of specialisation, contact details, availability, cost and referral information. Visit this page for a list of professionals.

    A navigator is also available to help you find what you need across health and social services.

    Call 0472 668 010 or email, Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.

    For more information visit the CMW website.

    InTouch – Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence

    Free support services for migrant and refugee women who are experiencing or have had experiences of family violence. 9am-5pm weekdays.

    Call: 1800 755 988

    Jewish Care

    Jewish Care provides Jewish and Israeli individuals and families living in Victoria with a range of culturally appropriate services. These include wellbeing support services, and help navigating the service system to access support. Services are available online or in-person and via self-referral or GP referral.

    Call (03) 8517 5999 Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.

    Self-referrals are welcome, or visit Jewish Care Mental Health support.

    Translating and Interpreting Service

    Free interpreter services for people who do not speak English at the cost of a local call.

    Call: 131 450

  • Asylum seekers and refugees

    Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

    Provides a range of free support services including health care.

    Call: 03 9326 6066

    Cabrini Asylum Seeker and Refugee Health Hub

    Free health services for people seeking asylum and newly arrived refugees.

    Call: 03 9508 1222

    Foundation House

    Free counselling and support for people who have experienced refugee trauma. Supporting survivors of torture and other traumatic events.

    Call: 03 9389 8900

  • Carers

    Carers Australia – Victoria

    Provides information about available supports for carers in Victoria.

    Call: 1800 514 845

    Carer Gateway

    A free service providing an entry point to carer support services across the country.

    Call: 1800 422 737

    Mind Australia

    Provides support to mental health carers through online information and its Carers Help Line.

    Call: 1300 554 660

    SANE Australia forums

    SANE supports people living with complex mental health issues, and the people who care for them. SANE hosts safe, anonymous mental health discussions which are monitored 24/7 by mental health professionals.

    Call: 1800 18 7263


    Victorian peak body representing carers of people living with mental illness. Provides a range of lobbying, research, policy, training and support services to family and friends.

    Call: 1800 314 325

  • Peer support

    Beyond Blue

    Join an online forum.

    GROW mental wellbeing programs

    Offering group peer support in mental health recovery.

    Call: 1800 558 268 to find a group near you.

    SANE Australia forums

    SANE supports people living with complex mental health issues, and the people who care for them. SANE hosts safe, anonymous mental health discussions which are monitored 24/7 by mental health professionals.

    Call: 1800 18 7263

Looking after your mental health and wellbeing

Click ↑ to access the ‘Looking after your mental health and wellbeing’ booklet.

Here are some options:

  • Talking to your GP is always a good place to start when you need help.
  • Find what you need. The Looking after your mental health and wellbeing guide (right) can help, as can the selection of local services and online support (above).

Need more help? If you need someone to help you find the support you need, call Head to Health 1800 595 212 or visit A trained professional will take your call, give you advice about services and support, and if you need it, connect you to a free Head to Health hub, or help you find the support that suits your needs.




Resources in languages other than English

You can also access the Looking after your mental health and wellbeing booklet in Arabic, Burmese, Karen, Simplified Chinese and Vietnamese.

Scroll below to see our mental health videos in six languages.
Arabic version
Burmese version
Chinese (Simplified) version
Hindi version
Karen version
Vietnamese version