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General Practice in Aged Care Incentive

The General Practice in Aged Care Incentive launched on 1 July 2024, and replaces the Aged Care Access Incentive (ACAI) which ceased on 31 July 2024.

The new incentive aims to improve access to quality, proactive, planned and continuous care for people who permanently live in residential aged care.

It is an important part of the Australian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety and Strengthening Medicare.

Participation in the incentive is voluntary.

Eligible GPs (responsible providers) and general practices registered in MyMedicare will receive incentive payments for providing their MyMedicare registered patients who permanently live in residential aged care with regular visits, health assessment and care planning services.

This incentive is designed to enable equity of access to high quality and continuous care.


  • Practices

    To participate in the incentive, practices must be registered in:

  • GPs/responsible providers

    To participate in the incentive, GPs/responsible providers must be:

    • An eligible provider
    • Linked to their eligible practice in the Organisation Register
    • Declared as the responsible provider of eligible services to the registered patient, including coordinating services provided by the care team.
  • Patients

    To participate in the incentive, patients must:

    • Permanently live in a residential aged care home
    • Be registered in MyMedicare with the eligible registered practice
    • Have the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive indicator selected on their MyMedicare profile by their practice
    • Have a responsible provider identified by the practice when a General Practice in Aged Care Incentive indicator has been selected.

Service requirements

GPs as responsible providers, care teams and practices must deliver at least 10 eligible services, from eligible Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) and Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) funded services, over a 12-month period including:

  • Two eligible care planning services delivered by the responsible provider
  • Eight eligible regular services comprising of at least two per quarter, each in a separate calendar month.

In Modified Monash Model (MMM) areas 4–7, practices will be able to provide up to four regular visits per 12-month period by eligible telehealth MBS items where they are unable to provide face-to-face services. Telehealth services under any other circumstances do not qualify for the quarterly requirements.

Incentive payments, rural loadings and assessments

The General Practice in Aged Care Incentive offers incentive payments paid to the responsible provider and practice when service requirements are met. These payments will be paid pro-rata across the 12-month period, in equal parts, on a quarterly basis on top of existing MBS and DVA funded services.

Rural loadings will apply to GP and practice incentive payments for regions MMM 3 to MMM 7.

Further information

Providing care to people who live in a residential aged care home but not accredited or registered for MyMedicare yet? More information on registration can be found here.

Visit the Department of Health and Aged Care website for more information on the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive Program Guidelines and other resources.

Visit Services Australia for more information on the Practice Incentives Program and the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive.
