General Practice in Aged Care Incentive – new FAQs and forecast tools

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  15 July 2024  PHN Cooperative   

On 1 July 2024 the new General Practice in Aged Care Incentive commenced, providing incentive payments to practices and GPs for delivering regular visits and care planning to people living in residential aged care.

Eligible practices that meet the definition of a general practice can now register for the incentive, and link their residential aged care patients to the incentive.

New frequently asked questions (FAQs) are also now available for aged care providers, GPs and practices, and consumers and carers:

New incentive forecasting function

General practices can keep track of which patients have met or not met the minimum quarterly service requirements for the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive using the incentive forecast function in HPOS.

A new e-learning module on how to use this function is now available.

If you need any additional support, or have any questions, please contact us at

Further information on the new aged care incentive is available on NWMPHN’s dedicated MyMedicare page.

Other useful links: