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GP liaison with hospitals

A GP liaison team serves as a vital link between hospitals and community-based GPs.

Their primary responsibility is to facilitate effective communication and collaboration between the hospital, GPs and primary health networks. They are the main point of contact for GPs and can help connect their patients with appropriate services. They are crucial in a health system that strives for better integration and continuity of care, and seamless information exchange.

Their responsibilities include:

  • enhancing service accessibility and managing hospital demand by creating referral guidelines including for HealthPathways Melbourne
  • advocating for primary care within their health care services, including managing and responding to feedback from local general practices
  • organising and supporting continuous professional development opportunities for GPs
  • contributing to the development and execution of shared care programs between GPs and hospital-based clinicians (for example: shared maternity care or shared care for people with complex chronic conditions)
  • assisting in the design and implementation of eHealth initiatives, such as eReferral and telehealth.

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network supports GP liaison units by:

  • planning and co-delivering education sessions for GPs, practice nurses and other primary care providers
  • sharing updates and messages from their health services with primary care providers
  • seeking their guidance to update and share HealthPathways Melbourne clinical and referral information.

GP liaison public hospital units in our region