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What is VHHITAL?
VHHITAL delivers comprehensive education and training for the primary health care workforce for the diagnosis, treatment and management of HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and sexually transmitted infections (STI).
It includes the provision of training and certification for practitioners who prescribe highly specialised drugs administered under Section 100 (S100) of the National Health Act 1953.
The program aims to:
- improve the capacity of the general practice workforce to screen, treat and manage HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and STIs
- improve alignment of general practitioners with priority populations and areas of high prevalence for HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and STIs
- improve access to community testing and prescribing for HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and STIs
- improve networking opportunities for prescribers.
Education and training
VHHITAL training is delivered throughout Victoria. To find out about upcoming events, sign up to the VHHITAL mailing list by emailing vhhital@nwmphn.org.au, or see the events calendars below.
View the statewide BBV and STI events calendar
Essentials, or introductory courses, are delivered by topic experts and experienced educators to help you to get started. Advanced courses explore more complex presentations, treatment, contact tracing, and emerging drug resistance.
Section 100 (s100) prescriber courses are available for all eligible nurse practitioners and GPs who wish to expand their knowledge in HIV and HBV treatment and management, with a path to prescriber accreditation and mentoring at the end of the course.
Our step by step education enables you to start at any point and build skills as you go. You can complete all courses, or select those relevant to you. Each course increases your confidence with blood borne viruses and STIs to make sexual health part of your everyday practice.
STI Essentials for Primary Care
Before attending the STI courses, we recommend you watch the primer videos below to support your learning.
Over the past 10 years in Victoria rates of syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhoea have all increased, and primary health care practitioners are the key to bringing these epidemics under control. STIs are not always visible, but can cause severe health problems if left undiagnosed and untreated.
This informative and interactive session provides the understanding and tools to confidently manage common STI screening and care, making sexual health a routine everyday part of your primary health care practice. The option of referring complex cases and receiving other supports from the new sexual health sentinel clinics will be highlighted.
Learning outcomes:
- Improved understanding of sexual health care for young people, pregnant women and other key populations.
- Know how to approach taking a sexual history.
- Be able to describe the clinical presentation of chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and syphilis.
- Be able to correctly perform comprehensive sexual health screening, including testing for the most common STIs.
- Manage treatment, contact tracing and, if necessary, referrals using the Health Pathways tool.
Format: Online, 2 hours.
Presenters & Facilitators: Dr Melanie Bissessor, Sexual Health Physician, Melbourne Sexual Health Centre.
Learning Methods: Presentation, case discussion, Q&A.
Continuing Professional Development: 4 x RACGP CPD hours (Educational Activity)/2 x ACRRM PDP points. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Upcoming sessions
To register your interest for future sessions, contact the VHHITAL team at vhhital@nwmphn.org.au, with subject line: ‘EOI (name of course)’.
Syphilis Advanced Webinar for Primary Care
Before attending the STI courses, we recommend you watch the primer videos below to support your learning.
Infectious syphilis has significantly increased in Victoria over the past decade. There were 298 cases in 2010 but the rate is now close to 2,000. Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men continue to make up the volume of cases.
This course builds on VHHITAL’s STI Essentials course and provides skills and resources for primary health care practitioners to confidently implement guideline-based management of patients diagnosed with syphilis, improving patient outcomes. Course numbers are limited to maximise participation in the case study discussions.
Learning outcomes:
- Understand and reinforce that sexual health is everyday routine business for primary care.
- Describe the clinical presentation of primary, secondary and latent syphilis.
- Correctly perform testing for syphilis.
- Implement guideline-based management of patients diagnosed with syphilis.
- Recap contact tracing and its key role in managing STIs.
- Apply learning in case study discussions.
Presenters & Facilitators: Dr Melanie Bissessor, sexual health physician, Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, Alfred Health.
Format: Online, 2 hours.
Learning Methods: Presentation, case discussion, Q&A.
Continuing Professional Development: 4 x RACGP CPD hours (Educational Activity)/2 x ACRRM PDP points. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Upcoming sessions
To register your interest for future sessions, contact the VHHITAL team at vhhital@nwmphn.org.au, with subject line: ‘EOI (name of course)’.
Mycoplasma Genitalium (MG) and Drug Resistant STIs
Before attending the STI courses, we recommend you watch the primer videos below to support your learning.
Mycoplasma genitalium (MG) and gonorrhoea are relatively common in Australia. Both have developed antimicrobial resistance in recent years, rendering them increasingly difficult to treat. This course delves into treating them and other evolving drug-resistant STIs.
Learning outcomes
- Define the epidemiology and mechanisms of microbial resistance in sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Identify the testing methods for the presence of microbial resistance
- Discuss treatment options for microbial resistant sexually transmitted infections (STIs) with patients
- Describe other emerging sexually transmitted infection (STI) resistance possibilities and options for specialist advice and referral in managing treatment.
Format: Online, 2 hours.
Learning Methods: Presentation, case discussion, Q&A.
Presenter & Facilitator: Dr Melanie Bissessor, Sexual Health Physician, Melbourne Sexual Health Centre.
Continuing Professional Development: 4 x RACGP CPD hours (Educational Activity). All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Upcoming sessions
To register your interest for future sessions, contact the VHHITAL team at vhhital@nwmphn.org.au, with subject line: ‘EOI (name of course)’.
PrEP & HIV Essentials for Primary Care
Pre-Exposure Prophyslaxis (PrEP) is an effective HIV prevention strategy in high demand within the community. On April 1st 2018, PrEP was listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) as a general schedule s85 item. GPs and nurse practitioners can prescribe it, and community pharmacies are able to dispense it.
This session will guide you on which populations the treatment is suitable for, and how to initiate it with ease.
Learning outcomes:
- Describe different HIV prevention strategies.
- Explain different options for PrEP dosing.
- Use the PrEP decision-making tool to manage patients.
- Explain the effectiveness and appropriate use of PrEP/PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) to patients.
Format: Online, 2 hours.
Presenters & Facilitators: Dr Matt Penn
Continuing Professional Development: 4 x RACGP CPD hours (Educational Activity)/2 x ACRRM PDP points. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
To register your interest for future sessions contact the VHHITAL team at vhhital@nwmphn.org.au, with subject line: ‘EOI (name of course)’.
Hepatitis B s100 Prescriber Course
Advanced level training that enables Victorian GPs and nurse practitioners to effectively diagnose, manage and treat chronic hepatitis B in primary care settings. Successful completion of the training and assessment accredits community-based medical practitioners to prescribe s100 highly specialised drugs for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.
Learning outcomes:
- Outline the critical role of primary care in the diagnosis, management and treatment of people living with chronic hepatitis B.
- Plan long-term care, including guideline-based monitoring and hepatocellular carcinoma screening, for patients with chronic hepatitis B.
- Select and prescribe first-line antiviral treatment when clinically indicated.
- Identify situations where specialist advice or referral is required.
- Integrate principles of person-centred and culturally competent care into hepatitis B management.
This course is in high demand and places are limited. By agreeing to register you agree to also gain HBV s100 accreditation, and can commit to attending all the live sessions and course work.
Format: Online, over 3 weeks.
Prior to the course:
- Pre-course survey (10 minutes to complete)
- Hepatitis B introductory online modules (about 1 hour to complete).
During the course:
- Completion of pre-recorded video modules. Between each webinar, 30-minute video lectures are available for participants to watch in their own time. The interactive webinar activities are based on content these lectures.
- Live webinars. Attending three webinars is compulsory for completion of the course and to receive accreditation.
- Completion of assignment. One assignment, which contains a case study, must be completed during the course. It takes about 30 minutes.
After the course: A post-course online assessment and survey must be completed to become an accredited hepatitis B s100 prescriber. This comprises 30 case-based multiple choice questions.
Presenters & Facilitators: VHHITAL has a faculty of specialists and general practitioner trainers for its hepatitis B prescriber course, including Professor Ben Cowie, Dr Nicole Allard and Dr Lester Mascarenhas.
Continuing Professional Development: 6 x RACGP CPD hours (Educational Activit), 3.5 x RACGP CPD hours (Reviewing Performance)
Upcoming sessions
To register your interest for future sessions, contact the VHHITAL team at vhhital@nwmphn.org.au, with subject line: ‘EOI (name of course)’.
HIV s100 Prescriber Course
This course is designed to support GPs and nurse practitioners in managing and treating HIV in the general practice setting, providing the opportunity to establish relationships with local specialist services for ongoing mentoring and referral. Upon successful completion of this training and the associated assessment, you may apply to your relevant state department of health for authority to prescribe section 100 drugs for the management of HIV in Australia.
This course is in high demand and places are limited. We kindly ask that you only register if you intend to gain HIV s100 accreditation and can commit to attending all the live sessions and the course work.
Learning outcomes:
- Describe current HIV epidemiology at local, national and global levels.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the science of HIV, the implications for the prevention of disease and the clinical management of HIV and co-infections.
- Demonstrate understanding of the principles of antiretroviral therapy and competence in selecting, prescribing and monitoring antiretroviral therapy in a range of clinical scenarios.
- Demonstrate understanding of the scientific principles on which diagnostic and treatment decisions in HIV care are based.
- Demonstrate competence in interpreting clinical and other relevant information to guide effective care of people living with HIV.
- Demonstrate competence in planning, implementing and evaluating the clinical care of people living with HIV across all stages of the virus.
- Outline the importance of demonstrating respect for patients’ choice and adhering to legal obligations.
Format: Online, over 4 weeks.
- Pre-course activity. Multiple choice questionnaire (8 mins)
- Clinical Foundations of HIV Online Learning Module (60 mins)
- Clinical Extensions of HIV Online Learning Module (80 mins).
During the course:
- Completion of pre-recorded video modules. Each week, video lectures lasting between 8 and 40 minutes will be available for participants to watch in their own time. The interactive webinar activities will be based on content from these lectures.
- Live webinars. Attending of 4 live webinars is compulsory for successful completion of the course.
- Completion of assignments and online learning modules. One 25-minute case study assignment and three online learning modules between 20 and 45 minutes must be completed during the course.
After the course: A post-course online assessment comprising multiple choice questions must be completed to become an accredited HIV s100 prescriber.
Presenters & Facilitators: VHHITAL has a faculty of highly experienced specialists and general practitioner trainers for our HIV s100 prescriber course, including Dr Olga Vujovic, Dr Matt Penn, Dr David Griffin and Professor Jenny Hoy.
Continuing Professional Development: 8 RACGP CPD hours (Educational Activity) and 9.5 RACGP CPD hours (Reviewing Performance)
Upcoming sessions
To register your interest for future sessions, contact the VHHITAL team at vhhital@nwmphn.org.au, with subject line: ‘EOI (name of course)’.
Hepatitis C for Nurses and Midwives
This free facilitated online training course by VHHITAL and ASHM provides nurses with the knowledge and confidence to increase screening and management of hepatitis C in primary care settings. The training is for nurses and midwives working in VIC and ACT.
Learning outcomes
- Describe risk factors for HCV, enabling discussions with patients around prevention
- Discuss HCV serology to identify opportunities for screening, testing and linkage-to-care
- Explain the nurse’s role in providing culturally appropriate care, free from stigma and discrimination, to people from priority populations
- Explain the nurse’s role in the management of chronic HCV, advanced liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma
- Outline strategies for supporting patients with medication adherence.
Learning objectives align with the Australiasian Hepatology Association (AHA) Practice Standards for the Hepatology Nurse (2015) and the AHA Consensus based Nursing Guidelines (2019). The course is also endorsed by the AHA.
Format: Online. The course is run over two days, each consisting of a 3 hour session 9.30am-12.30pm.
Target Audience: Nurses and Midwives working in sexual health services, public and private medical clinics, refugee and migrant services, correctional facilities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health services, drug and alcohol services, mental health services, and youth services.
Presenters & Facilitators:
- Dr Jacqui Richmond, Burnet Institute
- Miekan Grant, Viral Hepatitis Educator
Continuing Professional Development: 6.5 CPD Hours
Upcoming sessions
To register your interest for future sessions, contact the VHHITAL team at vhhital@nwmphn.org.au, with subject line: ‘EOI (name of course)’.
Hepatitis B for Nurses and Midwives
The course will provide nursing and midwifery professionals with advanced practical skills and knowledge in hepatitis B nursing.
The course includes presentations and case discussions that introduce the epidemiology and natural history of hepatitis B; vaccination; testing; fibrosis assessment; advanced liver disease; stigma and discrimination and the cultural context of hepatitis B nursing and midwifery.
Learning outcomes:
- Outline the epidemiology of hepatitis B and the risk factors for hepatitis B transmission.
- Identify opportunities for screening and testing, vaccination and linkage to care
- Outline nurses’ and midwives’ role in providing culturally appropriate care, free from stigma and discrimination
- Outline the nurses’ and midwives’ role in identifying, diagnosing, assessing, monitoring and treating patients with chronic hepatitis B and advanced liver disease.
- Utilise innovative strategies and models of care that deliver care for patients with hepatitis B.
Course components:
This course will be presented as a mix of self-paced and live facilitated learning, providing attendees an opportunity to discuss and practice strategies with peers and specialists. This is comprised of:
- Online learning modules
- Video modules
- Two 4-hour interactive webinars via Zoom
This course is endorsed by ACN according to our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Endorsed Course Standards. This activity, including all required pre-course and post-course work is allocated 10 CPD hours according to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia – Continuing Professional Development Standard.
Australian College of Midwives CPD Endorsed Activity.
Target audience:
Nursing and midwifery professionals working with patients at risk of or living with hepatitis B based in Vic.
Presenters & Facilitators:
- Dr Jacqui Richmond, Burnet Institute
- Miekan Grant, Viral Hepatitis Educator
- Gabrielle Bennett, St Vincent’s Health Australia
- Phoebe Trinidad, Latrobe Community Health Service
Continuing Professional Development: 10 CPD hours
Upcoming sessions
To register your interest for future sessions, contact the VHHITAL team at vhhital@nwmphn.org.au, with subject line: ‘EOI (name of course)’.
STI Community of Practice
Communities of Practice (CoP) provide opportunities for learning, networking and collaboration for all primary health care practitioners. See the BBV/STI calendar for dates.
The STI CoP is facilitated by Melbourne Sexual Health Centre and affiliated general practices.
Upcoming sessions
STI Community of Practice – DoxyPEP
To register your interest for future sessions, contact the VHHITAL team at vhhital@nwmphn.org.au, with subject line: ‘EOI (name of course)’.
Hepatitis C Community of Practice
People who inject drugs and experience social and structural inequities such as homelessness are at increased risk of acquiring HCV and are therefore a priority population for HCV models of care.
This Hepatitis C Community of Practice session is intended to support the alcohol and other drugs workforce with the opportunity to bring case based studies for discussion and mutual learning. This peer learning approach enhances the practice of AOD workers to recognise those who may be living with or at risk of HCV and supporting them onto the care pathway, particularly if they are disengaged with traditional health care services.
All practitioners are invited to submit cases for discussion. Presenters will be selected based on the needs of each case so early submission is encouraged.
Topic: Homeless Population and HCV
Learning outcomes
- Identify appropriate point of care testing options for people at risk of HCV
- Plan appropriate pathways to care, from testing to treatment and beyond
- Learn about innovative models of care of service delivery which can be successfully used in marginalised/challenging populations, including:
- incorporation of POC testing
- initiation of therapy in non-healthcare or outreach settings
- retention in care for challenging population
Format: Online
Presenter & Facilitator: Dr Jacqui Richmond, Burnet Institute
Continuing Professional Development
This session is not currently accredited with RACGP Portal. Participants will need to self-record this activity via Quick Log through their RACGP myCPD dashboard. Your Statement of Attendance will include a breakdown of hours and activity types.
To register your interest for future sessions, contact the VHHITAL team at vhhital@nwmphn.org.au, with subject line: ‘EOI (name of course)’.
Hepatitis C in NSP Settings
Frontline workers in needle and syringe program (NSP) settings have a crucial and unique role to play in eliminating hepatitis C in Victoria.
This training aims to provide participants with the confidence to initiate conversations around hepatitis C in NSP settings and provide referrals to testing and treatment.
It aims to support frontline workers in primary, secondary and pharmacy NSP services. including health education officers, peer support workers, needle and syringe program workers, social workers, nurses, administration officers, pharmacists, and pharmacy assistants.
Learning outcomes:
- Describe risk factors for hepatitis C, enabling discussions with people around prevention and harm reduction
- Describe hepatitis C testing and liver disease assessment
- Recognise the treatment options for hepatitis C
- Identify your local referral pathways for linking people to hepatitis C testing and treatment
- Communicate confidently with people about hepatitis C testing, treatment, and follow-up processes in the NSP.
Format: Online
CPD: Unavailable.
Presenters & Facilitators:
To register your interest for future sessions, contact the VHHITAL team at vhhital@nwmphn.org.au, with subject line: ‘EOI (name of course)’.
Training primer to help curb STIs in Victoria
Before attending the STI courses, we recommend you watch the primer videos below to support your learning. These videos highlight the issues, signs, symptoms, tips, treatment and management of common STIs as part of everyday practice.
More Information
For further information about VHHITAL, please email vhhital@nwmphn.org.au or call (03) 9347 1188.
Consortium partners
The consortium brings the skills and resources of clinical subject-matter experts, research expertise, program development and accreditation, training and education for health professionals, and expert knowledge of the health needs of Victorian living with, or at risk of contracting blood-borne viruses (BBV).
The program is funded by the Victorian Department of Health and delivered by a consortium comprising of the Victorian Tasmanian Primary Health Network Alliance (North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network as lead), Alfred Health, Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM), and Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, including the Victorian Infectious Disease Service (Doherty Institute).

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network
As an independent, locally governed and run, not-for-profit organisation, NWMPHN is dedicated to strengthening primary health care, and connecting health services across the system. NWMPHN brings experience in developing, delivering and promoting education and training to the primary health workforce.

Victorian and Tasmanian Primary Health Network Alliance
NWMPHN is a member of the Victorian and Tasmanian Primary Health Network Alliance (VTPHNA). The VTPHNA enables all seven Victorian and Tasmanian primary health networks to collectively achieve the best possible outcomes for local communities and organisations through leadership, collaboration, coordination and synergy.

Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine
The Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM) seeks the virtual eradication of HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections. It brings program experience in developing and delivering HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C training tailored to GPs, as well as skills in the management of assessment and ongoing accreditation of HIV and hepatitis B S100 prescribers.

Alfred Health
Alfred Health’s Department of Infectious Diseases is one of the largest and most comprehensive infectious diseases clinical services in the country and provides statewide HIV/AIDS services. It provides share-care support to low-caseload GPs, regular case discussions with high-caseload S100 clinics, lunchtime education meetings, and other HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C education events targeting the primary health workforce, including education in rural and regional areas.

Doherty Institute
A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital, the Doherty Institute is a world leader in research and clinical management of BBV including HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and an experienced provider of both face-to-face and online education.