Health planning and insights

We provide sector-leading needs assessments, research and data management, which are helping to transform the health system.

The Australian Government sets 3 primary roles for primary health networks (PHNs). We:

  • commission health services to meet the needs of people in our regions and address gaps in primary health care 
  • work closely with GPs and other health professionals to build the capacity of the health workforce and support it to deliver high-quality care 
  • integrate health services at the local level to create a better experience for people, encourage better use of health resources, and eliminate service duplication. 

To fulfil these roles, PHNs:  

  • must conduct regular health needs assessments 
  • work with their commissioned providers and the community to evaluate and improve services 
  • provide data, insights, and systems to support better experiences and outcomes 
  • establish more efficient ways of working across their regions.

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network also has a several national and state leadership roles across the PHN network, and is contributing to significant transformation of the health sector. 

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