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COVID-19 vaccines

Information for COVID-19 vaccine providers in our region. 

How to stay up to date

COVID-19 vaccine providers and administrators should visit:

We recommend also subscribing to:

Our role

Primary health networks no longer onboard primary care sites to the National COVID-19 Vaccine Program (NCVP). NWMPHN does, however, keep primary care teams informed of changes to the program.

Changes to COVID-19 vaccine onboarding

From 2 January 2025, primary care service providers wishing to join, or rejoin, the NCVP will need to contact the Department of Health and Aged Care’s vaccine operations centre (VOC).

Previously, this process was handled by the Department’s vaccine access section.

For more information, contact the VOC at or 1800 318 208.

Basecamp for vaccine stock management

Practices needing additional vaccines, or which have a surplus, can post information on the NWMPHN Vaccine Requests Network Basecamp channel.  

Participants must meet the vaccine transfer guidelines established by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. 

If you wish to join our Basecamp channels, please email

Contact for support

GPs and primary care providers can contact or call (03) 9347 1188.

Aged care providers can contact or call (03) 9347 1188.


For decision making resources and more information refer to: