You Said…™
Sharing experiences improves our health care services and system. This information is for providers and referrers. More information is available for consumers.
What is You Said…?
You Said… is a survey tool that gives people an opportunity to report their experience of the care they receive, and the outcomes of that care. The tool allows health services to collect, measure and evaluate this feedback.
Who is You Said… for?
You Said… is currently for people referred to our CAREinMIND™ Targeted Psychological Support Service (TPS) or Intensive Support Services (ISS).
Once a CAREinMIND mental health provider, such as a psychologist or mental health social worker, has five or more consumer surveys completed, they can access aggregated information using the You Said… portal. This shows trends and opportunities in the treatment and care they deliver.
Every six months, providers can give feedback to North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) about their experience of working with us. NWMPHN uses this information to gather insights and opportunities for improvement to support the provider and patient experience.
GPs are often the first point of contact for consumers to access mental health services. You Said… is a ‘continuous quality improvement’ activity for CAREinMIND TPS and ISS mental health services and providers, helping to foster better care and better outcomes for patients.
Referrers can help consumers to participate in You Said… by:
- including the consumer’s email address on the CAREinMIND referral form
- providing information about You Said… when referring consumers to a CAREinMIND provider, so that they know that they will receive an invitation to participate
- reminding consumers to complete the first survey before they meet with their new counsellor/provider
- answering any questions about You Said…
- displaying consumer information about You Said… in their practice (see below).
How is the information used?
The information from You Said… is shared with our mental health providers and within NWMPHN to support and encourage better care and better outcomes.
Consumer and provider feedback is captured on a dashboard that allows for analysis and reporting of experience and outcomes at each stage of care. This provides valuable insights and opportunities to provide services that are effective for consumers.
What does You Said… involve?
First, a GP makes a referral to a CAREinMIND (TPS or ISS) service. The consumer provides consent to participate in You Said… and provides both a mobile number and email address. A consumer information sheet is attached to the referral form.
Three surveys
Consumers are surveyed at three stages: at the time of referral, three months into treatment and nine months into treatment. An SMS or email is sent through before the first session. This is a short three-question survey. Consumers are then invited to participate twice during their treatment – at three months and nine months. The second and third surveys are based on the Your Experience of Service (YES) survey.
Protecting privacy and confidentiality is our priority.
All information shared through You Said… is de-identified, unless the consumer specifically requests contact by CAREinMIND staff.
Information is shared with CAREinMIND mental health providers and NWMPHN to support and foster better care and better outcomes.
Our partners
You Said… is powered by Cemplicity™ and supported by project partner KPMG.