The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) has launched a new booking system for telehealth video interpreting services. This is in response to growing demand for telehealth consultations by patients who speak languages other than English.
Telehealth is an increasingly important alternative to face-to-face consultation.
Telehealth consultations are any consultations between clinicians and patients using telephone or video. Potential benefits include improved access to health care, reduced costs and enhanced continuity of care.
Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items
MBS items for telehealth were introduced at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. From 1 January 2022, a number of these temporary MBS telehealth items transitioned to ongoing arrangements. Visit MBS Online for more information.
Telehealth decision support tool
A decision tool is available to help clinicians and consumers decide together when telehealth is a safe and effective option for care. The tool was developed in partnership between the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and clinical experts and is suitable for all primary health care providers. It is available on the Safer Care Victoria website.
Things to consider
Interpreting service for telehealth
Information security and privacy considerations in relation to telehealth consultations include:
- the security of the videoconferencing interface (software and hardware)
- the security of patient information (encryption and use of secure messaging)
- storage of any video recordings and still images
- the visual and audio privacy of the practice’s teleconferencing room.
The Department of Health’s checklist helps practices comply with privacy obligations when delivering telehealth services. It provides high-level privacy guidance only and should not be relied on as a substitute for your own legal or other professional advice.
Getting connected
Videoconferencing is the preferred substitute for face-to-face consultation. Before COVID-19, certain MBS telehealth items were available for videoconferencing services only, but providers can now offer audio-only services via telephone if video is not available. Note that there are separate items for audio-only services.
No specific equipment is required to provide Medicare-compliant telehealth services. One option is Healthdirect Video Call, a free platform developed in Australia specifically for patient consultation.
You could also use widely available video calling apps and software such as Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, Duo and GoToMeeting. (Note that free versions of these applications may not meet applicable laws for security and privacy. Practitioners must ensure that their means of telecommunication meets their clinical requirements and satisfies privacy laws.)
Healthdirect Video Call
Healthdirect Video Call is an easy-to-use telehealth platform. Funded by the Australian Government, it is free for:
- GPs, Aboriginal Medical Services and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations until 31 December 2024
- Allied health and aged care, including residential aged care facilities until 30 June 2024.
Healthdirect Video Call allows health care services using telehealth to provide a single, consistent entry point on their website. Patients simply click a link to enter an online waiting room for their appointment. Patients do not need an account, special software or dial-in details, which reduces the need for extra resources or systems to support video consulting.
The Healthdirect Video Call webpage explains how the system works.
Also visit our tenders and EOI page for more information or to access Healthdirect registration forms.
Quick links
- Telehealth guidance for health practitioners (The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and the National Boards) – outlines expectations about how registered health practitioners will use telehealth in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and discusses how the Code of Conduct is applied to consultations carried out by phone or video conferencing.
- Telehealth within your practice – webinar (91 min) – hosted by NWMPHN, this webinar explains the foundations of good telehealth, how it can be implemented, how to navigate risks and barriers and how to coordinate workflows. We also looked at successful case studies from around the region.
- The Department of Health has a checklist for complying with privacy obligations when delivering telehealth services. This should not be relied on as a substitute for your own legal or other professional advice.
- Considerations when implementing telehealth (health.vic) – covers various factors to consider when implementing telehealth.
- Privacy and managing health information (RACGP)
- Medico-Legal aspects of establishing telehealth services (health.vic)