Please help share vital COVID-19 health messages, available in 18 languages:
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It’s time to stay at home again.
It’s for my health.
It’s for your health.
It’s for our health.
We might be apart, but we are all in this together.
If we follow the expert health advice:
- stay home when we’re sick
- stay 1.5 metres apart from people we don’t live with
- wear a mask if you have to leave your home
- wash our hands regularly
- cough or sneeze into our elbows
- get tested even if we only have mild symptoms
then we can get on top of Covid-19.
And keep everyone well and out of hospital.
It’s for my health.
It’s for your health.
It’s for our health.
We can do this… together.
Multiple languages with English subtitles
Arabic 1
Arabic 2
Chin Hakha
English 1
Click any of the following links to watch the video and then please like and share:
You can also download the video.
Visit the DHHS website for more information on how to stay safe and resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Thanks to Chantelle McGuinness for featuring in this video and the team at the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service for their support.
English 2
Click any of the following links to watch the video and then please like and share:
You can also download the video.
Visit the DHHS website for more information on how to stay safe and resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
These videos are brought to you by North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network.
Thanks to the following organisations for helping to produce the videos: cohealth, Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria, Foundation House, Victorian Aboriginal Health Service and the Jasper Picture Company.