Our standing Clinical and Community Councils play an essential role, helping to guide our work and ensure our activities are connected to and supported by the communities we serve.
Clinical Council
Established in September 2015, the Clinical Council consists of representatives from across primary and acute health services whose focus is to provide advice and support to North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) to better meet the needs of our communities.
The Council meets 4 times a year to respond to issues, provide clinical insight and direction, and discuss health practitioner engagement to support our objectives.
It also provides advice and support between meetings to ensure we are kept abreast of emerging priorities at the frontline and to ensure our activities are informed by the realities faced by clinicians and the community across the region throughout the year.
Community Council
Working with our community is a crucial part of our efforts to strengthen primary health care and connect services across the system. One of the most important ways we collaborate with community leaders is through our Community Council.
The Council’s members reflect different voices in our region and play an integral role in directing our work and promoting the role of community participation. The Council provides insight and direction on the unique needs of the region, and principles and mechanisms for engaging consumers, carers and local communities.
Its community members are appointed for their individual skills, particularly for guiding NWMPHN’s engagement, and experience of using health services.