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Cancer screening

Cancer screening programs look for early signs of disease or the conditions that cause it. In most cases early detection increases the chances of successful treatment. Detecting and treating precursors to cancer can prevent it from developing at all.

The Victorian Department of Health is responsible for overseeing the 3 national cancer screening programs in the state:

How we help

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) supports primary health care providers to screen and offer early detection of cancer. It does this by:

NWMPHN also led the state-wide rollout of the Maximising cancer screening outreach in primary care settings in response to COVID-19 quality improvement project, funded by the Victorian Department of Health.

The project helped service providers increase the number of patients who are up to date with their breast, bowel, cervical screens. It also promoted screening for hepatitis B and C, which can increase liver cancer risk. Videos and related resources for the project are available here.

Quality improvement activities

Templates for self-directed quality improvement ideas to boost cancer screening, patient outcomes and deliver best practice care are available for general practices.

They include:

These activities may provide GPs with Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) continuing professional development (CPD) hours, and support practices eligible for the Practice Incentive Program Quality Improvement Incentive.

If you have any questions please phone (03) 9347 1188 or email
