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Maximising Cancer Screening QI Project: Hepatitis B and C education videos

The videos below are for Victorian general practices participating in the Maximising Cancer Screening Quality Improvement Project (Hepatitis B and C Stream).

The videos are presented by Gabrielle Bennett and Rebecca Katiforis, who are clinical nurse consultants and viral hepatitis educators at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne.

They will assist practice teams to better understand enablers and barriers for improving screening for hepatitis B and C.

Specifically, the learning objectives and issues covered are:

  • describing the enablers for creating a culturally safe and inclusive environment to support hepatitis B and C screening​  
  • outlining effective strategies to increase hepatitis B and C screening
  • ​defining the roles and responsibilities of your general practice team to achieve a whole of practice approach to increase screening of patients with hepatitis B or C with risk factors (liver cancer screening)​​
  • identifying where to access evidence-based information, resources, and further training to support your practice to increase screening of patients with hepatitis B or C risk factors.

Video 1: Hepatitis B and C screening and management
Hepatitis B and C screening and management

Video 2: Practice level support session
Practice level support session: increase proportion of screening for patients with hepatitis B or C risk factors (liver cancer screening)

Resources for video 2

  • Slides

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    Use these links to quickly skip to the following topics in the above video:

    • Introduction
    • Learning objective 1: Describe the enablers for creating a culturally safe and inclusive environment to support an increase in hepatitis B and C screening
    • Learning objective 2: Describe effective strategies to increase hepatitis B and C screening
    • Learning objective 3: Define the roles and responsibilities of your GP team to achieve a whole of practice approach to increase screening of patients with hepatitis B or C risk factors (liver cancer screening)
    • Learning objective 4: Identify where you can access evidence-based information, resources, and further training to support your practice to increase screening of patients with hepatitis B or C risk factors