Community Participation Plan 2024-26

We recognise, respect and affirm the central role played in our work by people with lived experience, their families and carers.

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network’s (NWMPHN) Community Participation Plan 2024-2026 outlines our commitment to embed everyone who lives and works in our catchment in all that we do. 

It was developed with the help of local residents, and NWMPHN’s People Bank, Community Council, Expert Advisory Groups, senior leadership team and staff.

The Community Participation Plan contains an action plan that defines concrete, meaningful and measurable steps to transform ideas into reality. It will be used by NWMPHN staff to frame, design, develop and evaluate the services we fund and deliver.

It will sit alongside other key approaches including our Access and Equity Framework, Stakeholder Engagement Framework and the Aboriginal Engagement Guide.

                                                                       Download the plan (.pdf)

Our approach

Community participation can take many forms, which produce different levels of influence over decision-making. These levels are outlined in the International Association of Public Participation’s ‘Spectrum of Public Participation’. The levels chosen by NWMPHN are shaped by the purpose and focus of the activity, and the people who take part.

Our role as a primary health network is to improve health. We believe that the principle of health equity means that all people should be able to influence decisions that impact them. Community participation is a central way to achieve this.

In particular, we recognise, respect and affirm the central role played in our work by people with lived experience, their families and carers.

Community participation: recent outcomes

This six-month report, for 1 January to 30 June 2024, provides an overview of how NWMPHN is tracking with activities in our Community Participation Plan 2024-2026 (published July 2024).

View the full report on this page or see here: