Hepatitis C
More than 70,000 Victorians are living with chronic hepatitis C. If left untreated, chronic hepatitis C can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer and death.

Direct-acting antiviral treatments (DAAs) can cure chronic hepatitis C infection in a matter of months – most often with few or no side effects. DAAs have been listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme since March 2016, and since then, more than 15,000 Victorians have received treatment for chronic hepatitis C.
But more needs to be done to reduce the burden and impact of this disease, particularly for vulnerable population groups.
Managing hepatitis C in primary care
GPs and nurse practitioners can prescribe DAAs and manage the hepatitis C screening and treatment process easily in primary health care settings.
We support primary health care providers to manage hepatitis C through regular education and training.
Education and training
Primary health care application for HCV treatment
GPs can use this template to consult with a gastroenterologist, hepatologist or infectious disease physician to prescribe new treatments under the PBS. The template includes direct referral fax numbers relevant to the NWMPHN and EMPHN catchments and is adapted from the GESA remote consultation form. The template is a fillable PDF.
Need more assistance?
Nurse consultants from Royal Melbourne Hospital and St Vincent’s Hospital (listed below) can help GPs with remote consultations and prescribing DAAs.
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Sally Watkinson
Viral Hepatitis Nurse Practitioner,
Victorian Infectious Diseases Service, Royal Melbourne Hospital
M: 0407 574 939 | F: 03 8344 1222
St Vincent’s Melbourne
Lisa Stothers
Hepatology Clinical Nurse Consultant
Department of Gastroenterology, St Vincent’s Melbourne
T: 03 9231 2171 | M: 0407 511 299 | f: 03 9231 3596