LGBTIQ+ Aftercare Trial Guide

The National Suicide Prevention Trial was an initiative funded by the Commonwealth Government in 12 different sites across Australia over a 5 year timeframe.  Each of the trials was led by a local primary health network and aimed to improve the evidence base around effective suicide prevention strategies for priority population groups and the broader … Continued

Mental Health Treatment Plans – A guide for health professionals 2022

Patients with a mental health condition, including those with a chronic or non-chronic diagnosis, benefit from structured management of their treatment needs and referral to appropriate services. Mental Health Treatment Plan (also known as a Mental Health Care Plan) must be completed when referring a patient to a psychiatrist, psychologist, eligible social workers or occupational … Continued

COVID Monitor GP user guide

COVID Monitor is a secure, online portal that allows you to view all of the patients enrolled in the model from your practice in one, clear dashboard.

NWMPHN Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2021–23: full document

Our Reconciliation Action Plan is about turning good intentions into real actions and rising to the challenge of reconciling Australia. Artwork by Dixon Patten, a proud Yorta Yorta and Gunnai man, and the team at Bayila Creative.

Guidelines for Shared Maternity Care Affiliates 2021

These Guidelines have been developed for the provision of shared maternity care between The Royal Women’s Hospital, Mercy Public Hospitals Incorporated, Western Health and Northern Health (the Hospitals) and shared maternity care affiliates credentialed at these hospitals.

Making time to talk about bowel cancer screening: A simple guide for community groups

Making Time to Talk About Bowel Cancer Screening has been created to help community groups to talk about the importance of bowel cancer screening, and share the message with their friends, families and networks.

Closing a medical practice: A guide for health professionals working in general or private practice

The changes occurring in the general practice landscape present many challenges including the decision to retire or to close a practice. As small businesses, general practices face differing risks in ensuring the safety and care of patients as well as ensuring the associated legal requirements are met to close a practice. North Western Melbourne Primary … Continued

Make it Easy: A Handbook for Becoming a Health Literate Organisation

HealthWest, Inner North West PCP and health and social service professionals and consumers in Melbourne’s west and inner north developed Make it Easy.

Advance Care Planning in Residential Aged Care

This resource was developed as part of a collaborative quality improvement project conducted between June 2015 and March 2016. The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) funded the project, through Networking Health Victoria, as part of the implementation of its Advance Care Planning Strategy, Advance care planning: have the conversation – a strategy … Continued

Advance Care Planning in Community Health

This resource was developed as part of a collaborative quality improvement project conducted between June 2015 and March 2016. The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) funded the project, through Networking Health Victoria, as part of the implementation of its Advance Care Planning Strategy, Advance care planning: have the conversation – a strategy … Continued