NWMPHN Annual Report 2022-23

Our annual report shows how our community – whether that be health professionals, health organisations, community advocates or people living our region – is at the heart of everything we do. We hope this report reflects how our community focus has supported the local health system through the challenges of the past year, and inspires … Continued

NWMPHN Financial Report 2023

This financial report covers North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network, providing formal records of our activities for the year ended 30 June 2023.

COMPASS: Connecting mental health paediatric specialists and community services – project report

NWMPHN, in partnership with The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) Health Services Unit and Mental Health team, piloted an integrated system approach to strengthen paediatric mental health care and reduce to burden on specialist services and hospitals in our region. The result was a project called COMPASS – “Connecting mental health paediatric specialists and community services.”  … Continued

Health Needs Assessment 2022-25

Our Health Needs Assessment is a comprehensive compilation of health and wellbeing research and data, plus contextual information gathered through interviews, workshops and surveys of community members, general practices, commissioned services, peak bodies, community health, acute health care and local government. To download the full report, follow the link below.

NWMPHN Financial Report 2021-22

This financial report covers North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network, providing formal records of our activities between 2021-2022.

NWMPHN Annual Report 2021-22

Our annual report shows how our community – whether that be health professionals, health organisations, community advocates or people living our region – is at the heart of everything we do. We hope this report reflects how our community focus has supported the local health system through the challenges of the past year, and inspires … Continued

Co-designing a Paediatric Virtual Urgent Care Service – Project Report

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network played a significant role in supporting the development of the VVED paediatric model of care in collaboration with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne. This is the project report.

Needs assessment for the NWMPHN care finder program 2022

This document supports North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network’s (NWMPHN’s) 2022 commissioning of care finder services to help older people navigate the aged care system. It should be read in conjunction with NWMPHN’s Health Needs Assessment 2022–25, which provides a comprehensive compilation of health and wellbeing research and data, plus contextual information gathered through interviews, workshops … Continued

Enabling new models of care and workforce solutions (PHN briefing paper)

With strong relationships across local health services, as well as a deep understanding of community needs, regional constraints and local opportunities, Primary Health Networks (PHNs) perform a vital role in bringing the community and primary health care providers together.

LGBTIQ+ Community Wellbeing Small Grants Project Evaluation Report

The National Suicide Prevention Trial was an initiative funded by the Commonwealth Government in 12 different sites across Australia over a 5 year timeframe.  Each of the trials was led by a local primary health network and aimed to improve the evidence base around effective suicide prevention strategies for priority population groups and the broader … Continued