NWMPHN Practice Partnership Plan for general practice

By completing this Practice Partnership Plan with us, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN), you can identify what your practice would like to improve over the next 12 months. It also helps us to know where and how we can support you. This is a living document that is shared and reviewed throughout the … Continued

Caring for Carers Quality Improvement Workbook for General Practice

It is estimated that one in eight patients in any general practice is a carer.  Carers provide a vital role in our society, and enable patients to maintain their independence, wellness and quality of life. The care that they provide may range from emotional and practical support for a few hours a day or around … Continued

PIP QI 10 Measures Quality Improvement Workbook for General Practice

The Practice Incentives Program Quality Improvement (PIP QI) Incentive is designed to encourage practices to improve patient outcomes and care through quality improvement processes. In partnership with their Primary Health Network, practices may choose any area of improvement informed by their clinical information system. By submitting the PIP Eligible Data Set to their PHN, eligible … Continued

End-of-Life Care Quality Improvement Workbook for General Practice

This workbook has easy-to-follow steps that take you through ‘Plan, Do, Study, Act’ (PDSA) cycles to analyse your performance and make measurable improvements. It covers advance care planning, palliative care and voluntary assisted dying. It can also be used alongside the new General Practice Reports that we provide quarterly to each practice.

Plan Do Study Act template for general practice

‘Plan, Do, Study, Act’ (PDSA) cycles are used to analyse your practice’s quality improvement performance and make measurable improvements. This is an extract from the Quality Improvement workbooks. It should be used along with the Model for Improvement and other tools found in these workbooks.

Using CAT4 and Topbar for PIP QI activities

This training guide for new and experienced users, demonstrates how to use CAT Plus in the context of the Practice Incentives Program Quality Improvement (PIP QI) Incentive. This step-by-step guide details the Improvement Measures and additional examples for quality improvement (QI) activities in general practice.

Quality Improvement Guide and Tools

The Quality Improvement (QI) process can help you reduce costs, improve outcomes for staff, and improve patient care and experience. The QI Guide and Tools shows you how to complete QI activities using a whole-of-practice approach and includes useful tools, templates and examples.

Data cleansing – QI activity

To get the most out of your clinical software, data needs to be collected accurately, recorded in the right place and maintained over time. If not, patient care may be compromised and efficiency suffers.

Cancer Screening QI Toolkit

This free resource will help you undertake structured quality improvement for cancer screening in your practice.

QI Guide_PDSA Goal to Action Plan

The Quality Improvement (QI) process can help you reduce costs, improve outcomes for staff, and improve patient care and experience. The QI Guide and Tools shows you how to complete QI activities using a whole-of-practice approach and includes useful tools, templates and examples.