To self-collect or not to self-collect? National Cervical Screening Program webinar (10 August 2022)

This session was presented by the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer. It aimed to educate practitioners about recent changes to the National Cervical Screening Program including the expanded option of self-collection as a choice to all routine screening participants.

Deferred care session 2: cardiovascular disease, diabetes risk and cancer screening (19 July 2022)

The pandemic has seen huge numbers of patients delaying or cancelling usual – and even urgent – care. This education session explored the impact of deferred care on the population aged 30 – 65 years old and cardiovascular disease, diabetes risk and cancer screening (bowel, breast, and cervical).

Using PenCS in your practice: cancer screening (webinar 20 October 2021)

This session was designed to upskill practice staff on how to use clinical support tools to identify and recall eligible patients for cancer screening. Presented by Pen CS trainer Manfred Queteschiner and North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network quality improvement officer Juliet Fieldew.

Ovarian cancer screening and updates on colposcopy referral criteria (webinar 10 August 2021)

This webinar presented by Associate Professor Orla McNally and Dr David Wrede provides information on recent changes in acceptance criteria for colposcopy and the latest evidence for ovarian cancer screening.

Making time to talk about bowel cancer screening: community event invite template

Making Time to Talk About Bowel Cancer Screening has been created to help community groups to talk about the importance of bowel cancer screening, and share the message with their friends, families and networks.

Increase the number of HPV self-collection tests completed for eligible women (webinar 14 April 2021)

Practice level support session for practices participating in the cervical cancer stream of the Maximising Cancer Screening During COVID-19 Quality Improvement Project. Presented by Jenny Jones (Cancer Council Victoria) and Dr Wendy Pakes (VCS Foundation).

Increase the proportion of GP-ordered National Bowel Cancer Screening Program kits (webinar 13 April 2021)

Practice level support session for practices participating in the bowel cancer stream of the Maximising Cancer Screening During COVID-19 Quality Improvement Project. Presented by Clem Byard (Cancer Council Victoria).

Increase proportion of screening for patients with hepatitis B or C risk factors (webinar 12 April 2021)

Practice level support session for practices participating in the liver cancer stream of the Maximising Cancer Screening During COVID-19 Quality Improvement Project. Presented by Gabrielle Bennett (St Vincent’s Melbourne) and Jenny Jones (Cancer Council Victoria).

Maximising Cancer Screening During COVID-19: clinical education webinar (webinar 8 April 2021)

Clinical education webinar for practices participating in the Maximising Cancer Screening During COVID-19 Quality Improvement Project. Presented by Nicole Kempster (VCS Foundation), Alexis Butler (VCS Foundation), Gabrielle Bennett (St Vincent’s Melbourne) and Jenny Jones (Cancer Council Victoria).

CLCSP Local Cancer Screening Community Profile

The Community-led Cancer Screening Project (CLCSP) aimed to increase early detection of bowel, breast and cervical cancer. North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) was one of four lead agencies funded by the Victorian Department Health and Human Services for three years to 2020 to deliver the project. This document captures data relevant to the … Continued