NWMPHN’s plan and premises officially launched

  7 May 2024  NWMPHN   

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network’s Strategic Plan 2024-2028 was officially launched on Thursday, 2 May 2024, at an event held in the organisation’s new headquarters in Docklands.

The plan – which commits NWMPHN to pursuing health system reform and innovation – was welcomed by Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Ged Kearney, MP.

Assistant Minister Kearney complimented NWMPHN on the pursuit of health equity which underpins all its work, and noted that the values outlined in the strategic plan aligned closely with the policy objectives of the Australian and Victorian governments.

Speaking to an audience of senior health professionals from across Melbourne, she highlighted successful NWMPHN projects including “innovative and remarkable” programs to embed pharmacists and paediatricians in general practice, and the development of Australia’s first ever COVID Positive Pathway.

Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Ged Kearney, MP.
Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Ged Kearney, MP.

Minister Kearney said that collaboration across the sector was essential to achieving real reform, and noted that primary health networks were critical links in that process.

Echoing the same sentiment, NWMPHN’s Chair, Associate Professor Ines Rio, noted that for the first time in many years she felt a sense of optimism about the progress and process of health care improvement.

Among several changes introduced by Assistant Minister Kearney and Health and Aged Care Minister Mark Butler, Professor Rio pointed especially to MyMedicare, calling it a reform that had long been called for by GPs and others.

NWMPHN’s chief executive, Christopher Carter, observed that the organisation’s new offices house all its staff on a single well-resourced floor – a distinct improvement on its previous accommodation in Parkville.

“Simply put, this makes communication so much easier,” he said. “Our people now find it much easier to collaborate and share ideas – and, in our organisation as in the wider sector, collaboration and conversations are key to innovation.”

NWMPHN’s new office is at 737 Bourke Street, Docklands. To request a tour or enquire about opportunities to utilise the space, please contact comms@nwmphn.org.au.

The NWMPHN Strategic Plan 2024-2028 is available to download.