Applications open to establish a priority primary care centre at the Royal Children’s Hospital

A GP checking a patient's badly sprained ankle.
  1 December 2022  NWMPHN   

Please note: this EOI has closed. The below information is retained for transparency only.

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) invites expressions of interest (EOIs) from eligible primary care providers to establish a priority primary care centre (PPCC) co-located with the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne in Parkville. 

The PPCC will  operate 7 days a week.

Applications close at 5pm (AEDT) Friday, 16 December 2022.

About the Royal Children’s Hospital PPCC

This clinic will be co-located on the hospital campus in Parkville and will provide care to patients who would otherwise be treated by the emergency department (ED). It will:

  • be a GP-led service supported by nursing and administration staff
  • provide care to paediatric patients
  • provide a viable alternative for people with conditions that require urgent attention but not an emergency response
  • operate as a direct diversion model and see patients triaged by the hospital’s ED as suitable for care in the PPCC.

As a paediatric co-located PPCC, this clinic will have specific requirements that are different to the other PPCCs in our region. Please refer to the EOI documentation below for more information.

Funding model

An initial establishment grant of up to $150,000 will be available to PPCC service providers. Additionally, a monthly operating grant of approximately $180,000 is available, in line with the PPCC service model. This cannot be used to support existing services or operating hours.

EOI documentation and process

This EOI has closed.

About PPCCs

These clinics are funded by the Victorian Government and commissioned by primary health networks (PHNs) to reduce demand on hospital emergency departments and increase access to care for primary care presentations.

They provide GP-led care for urgent but non-life-threatening conditions such as mild infections, fractures and burns. They also offer pathology and imaging services. Care is provided 7 days a week, up to 16 hours a day, and is available at no cost to the patient with or without a Medicare card.

Visit our website for more information.