Here you can find resources from the ICAM Symposium (7 September 2024):
- Presentation slides
- Water Well Project:
- Asthma Australia resources:
- Asthma Australia website:
- NAC Symbicort asthma action plan:
- Sensitive Choice website:
- RCH asthma videos have been translated into Arabic, simplified and traditional Chinese, and Vietnamese –
- Victorian Virtual Emergency Department:
- Teach back method:
- Unconscious bias toolkit
- Safer Care Victoria: A systems thinking approach to improving childhood asthma management (ICAM) in the inner west:
- Safer Care Victoria ICAM project:
- Video: Phasing Out Wood Heaters to Pave the Way to Cleaner Air:
- Video: How to perform Asthma First Aid with a blue reliever (salbutamol):
- AsthmaAustralia_HCPservicesOverview_2024.pdf – For further information on Asthma Australia’s Health Professional Services or if you would like any further resources from Asthma Australia please email:
cohealth and DPV Health CAP nurse resources
- Asthma Action Plan A4
- Asthma Basic Facts A4
- Asthma Review Worksheet
- NAC Asthma Action Plan 2023
- CAP referral form
- Asthma/wheeze diary
- If you would like to register for more information about the Community Asthma Program please complete this form
- For more information go to or
- cohealth YouTube page has some great videos made by young people with asthma:
QI activities: Our Quality Improvement (QI) Asthma Review and Asthma Action Plan templates are available for general practices to improve patient outcomes and deliver best practice care. The completion of these self-directed quality improvement activities can easily be self-recorded for RACGP – Measuring Outcomes hours.
- Increase the number of paediatric patients who have had a 6-monthly asthma review (moderate to severe asthma)
- Increase the number of paediatric patients who have a complete asthma action plan
Want to self-report an additional hour of Educational Activities? Watch these videos below
- Challenges in managing asthma in and outside of school
- Sustainable Asthma Care Roadmap for Australia
- Introducing Improving Childhood Asthma Management Communities of Practice
- Traffic exhaust, childhood asthma & idle off
- Consumer interview with Soa
HealthPathways Melbourne