Upcoming webinar for aged care providers: MyMedicare and the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive

Logo for the National MyMedicare PHN Implementation Program
  23 July 2024  PHN Cooperative   

The General Practice in Aged Care Incentive commenced on 1 July 2024 providing incentive payments to general practices and GPs for delivering regular visits and care planning to permanent residents living in residential aged care.

The new incentive aims to strengthen and formalise relationships between residents and their primary care provider, or general practice. MyMedicare and the new incentive supports residential aged care homes (RACHs) to meet Standard 3 – personal and clinical care of the current Aged Care Quality Standards.

Register now for a webinar on 6 August 2024, 2pm (AEST) for RACHs, aged care providers, residents and their families and carers. The webinar will outline how the new incentive aims to improve access to general practice care and benefits for aged care providers and residents. Speakers include:

  • Craig Gear, Chief Executive Officer, Older Persons Advocacy Network
  • Mark Roddam, First Assistant Secretary, Primary Care Division, Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC)
  • Clare Sullivan, Acting Assistant Secretary, Primary Care Delivery Branch, DoHAC
  • Dr Paresh Dawda, Specialist, Prestantia Health

Please contact us (primarycare@nwmphn.org.au) to discuss how we can support your RACH to register residents for MyMedicare and improve access to general practice care.

Resources and more information

Information about MyMedicare for residents, carers and families are available to explain the benefits and what it means for them.



General Practice in Aged Care Incentive FAQs:

Other useful links and information: