North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) has continued its reconciliation journey with the development and implementation of its Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2018 – 2020.
The Innovate RAP builds on the work and learnings from the NWMPHN Reflect RAP, which has helped guide NWMPHN’s reconciliation efforts for the past two years.
Adjunct Associate Professor Christopher Carter said improving and supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health has always been a core priority for NWMPHN.
“Aboriginal people have had a deep connection with this region for many thousands of years,” A/Prof Carter said.
“It is a connection that is living, vibrant, growing and integral to the health and diversity of our region.
“It is also a connection which is supported by significant recent growth in the number of Aboriginal people living in the north and western suburbs of Melbourne, with many strong and diverse Aboriginal communities across the catchment.
“We believe that having a strong and healthy Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community is crucial to the overall health of our region, and the development of our Reconciliation Action Plans has helped ensure this belief is reflected in our internal organisational culture, planning and development.”
NWMPHN wishes to thank artist Dixon Patten, a proud Yorta Yorta and Gunnai man, and the team at Bayila Creative for the incredible booklet design.