Short Term Restorative Care

  20 July 2017  Blue Cross Community & Residential Services   |   Third party content – view disclaimer

Short Term Restorative Care (STRC) a government funded program, provides early intervention care aimed at improving and optimising your independence. BlueCross can provide support in your home or in an aged care residence or a combination of both. The care is tailored to suit individual needs and is available for up to 8 weeks, per person, twice per year. Therapy and support can include domestic duties, personal hygiene assistance, meal preparation, transport, shopping, physio visits and other allied health service visits as required. STRC is aimed at restoring your independence after a health setback and we’ll work with your GP and allied health staff to provide you with holistic care.

Contact BlueCross: 1300 133 414, My Aged Care: 1800 200 411 or your local GP to find out how you can access this service.

Disclaimer: This article was provided by Blue Cross Community & Residential Services. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network does not warrant or represent the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material included within.