Send Your Referrals Electronically for Free

  26 October 2017  Northern Health and…   |   Third party content – view disclaimer

Save time and cut consumable costs by sending your referrals electronically using Best Practice or Medical Director.

As from 16 October, Northern Health and Plenty Valley Community Health will be able to receive e-referrals. An e-referral is a document that can be sent electronically from one healthcare service to another, opposed to the current process of faxing or posting the referral.

Healthlink Smartforms e-referral solution is integrated within Medical Director and Best Practice and will streamline the completion and submission of electronic referrals. From your software programs, GPs are able to select a form, have it pre-populated automatically with data from the electronic patient record, have it validated and sent securely to the intended recipient, and receive an acknowledgement of receipt without the need to print and fax. A copy of the form will automatically be stored securely in the patient’s record.

Download the information sheet

View Northern Health clinics and services that GPs can refer to using HealthLink Smartforms

Disclaimer: This article was provided by Northern Health and Plenty Valley Community Health. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network does not warrant or represent the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material included within.