Seeking volunteers with psoriasis

  4 September 2022  The Royal Melbourne Hospital   |   Third party content – view disclaimer

Psoriasis is a skin condition characterised by patches of skin that are typically red, itchy and scaly.

This study by The Royal Melbourne Hospital (RMH) aims to understand the underlying mechanisms that trigger psoriasis and involves a one off-visit to clinics. The outcome of this project and knowledge gained will potentially support the development of new treatments for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

To continue this research, we are asking for your help. If you see a patient with active psoriasis who is willing to donate an hour or two of their time to provide blood samples and a couple of small punch biopsies, please suggest our study and refer. They will be seen at our RMH Clinical Trials Centre and if necessary, we can assist in the triage process of getting them into the Dermatology Clinics at RMH.

Any help is appreciated. It is an altruistic donation from people with psoriasis which will hopefully lead to new treatments and developments in the field. Please click here if you would like more information to pass on to patients. Alternatively please call our team on 03 9342 4542 or email

Disclaimer: This article was provided by The Royal Melbourne Hospital. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network does not warrant or represent the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material included within.