General Practices in Hume, Brimbank, Melton, Wyndham and Moreland are invited to participate in a research project, aiming to improve the delivery of primary care to refugees and asylum seeker patients. We are seeking 12 general practices to work with a facilitator for six months, and provide some data before and after this period.
This four-year research project ‘OPTIMISE’ brings together academics and organisations in the refugee health sector, across 3 regions of Australia with high refugee and asylum seeker settlement – North Western Melbourne, South Eastern Melbourne, and South Western Sydney. In each region, we will test whether hands-on support from a facilitator creates positive change in primary care settings.
In return, your practice will receive hands-on facilitation from an experienced refugee health nurse, education and resources, and $2,000 as a thank you for your contribution.
Practices must fulfil certain eligibility criteria, such as being located in one of the LGAs listed above, and currently be seeing refugees and/or asylum seekers.
How to apply
Applications are now closed.