Turning Point, in partnership with Monash University, now offers three online part-time graduate courses in Addictive Behaviours to develop specialist knowledge and professional AOD skills. Each course builds upon previous qualifications and creates pathways for further study, so you have flexibility to choose a course that is right for you. Coursework and research pathways exist at the Master level.
Delivered online and part-time, you can study remotely from anywhere in Australia or overseas.
Learn more:
- Attend Monash Graduate Study Webinar: Addictive Behaviours and Telehealth (20 October 2020)
- Graduate Program of Addictive Behaviours (course information)
By Turning Point, Eastern Health.
Disclaimer: This article was provided by Turning Point, Eastern Health. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network does not warrant or represent the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material included within.