If you are looking for a simple place to begin with quality improvement our My Health Record workbook is the place to start.
General practices across Australia have been using My Health Record since 2012. My Health Record is now an important tool for general practices. As of April 2020, 22.74 million consumers have a My Health Record, and 13.97 million records now have data in them. A persons’ My Health Record may contain a range of documents uploaded by primary health care providers and other health care providers. 93 per cent of GPs, 95 per cent of hospitals and 95 per cent of pharmacies are registered.
The My Health Record Quality Improvement workbook will assist practices to undertake quality improvement activities using a simple, single, unified plan. Although practices will have a different level of experience with My Health Record, the quality improvement goal is the same: to ensure consistent use and contribution to My Health Record for all patients who have one, including uploading Shared Health Summaries.
It is a simple to use, self-guided tool for practices to track their progress and help provide best care. The workbook can be downloaded from the Quality Improvement Toolkits page on NWMPHN website.
General practices: for more information speak to your practice’s relationship manager, or contact primarycare@nwmphn.org.au or call (03) 9347 1188.