New resource for pregnant women living with chronic hepatitis B and clinicians

  6 October 2023  Mieken Grant, St…   |   Third party content – view disclaimer

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major contributor to rising liver cancer rates in Australia.

Linking patients living with chronic hepatitis B to monitoring and treatment is fundamental to preventing liver cancer and improving outcomes. All pregnant women are offered HBV screening in Australia with the aim of preventing Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT) of HBV. Effective intervention during pregnancy and post-natally can prevent 90-95% of MTCT HBV. Recent Victorian research indicates that MTCT of HBV has been documented to occur in Victoria and many health services need to improve on managing pregnant women living with CHB.

St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, in collaboration with Cancer Council Victoria, has recently developed 2 HBV resources. ‘Me, my baby and hepatitis B‘ aims to support antenatal care providers to discuss HBV testing, vaccination, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, management and liver cancer prevention. The booklet is in plain language and is visually engaging and culturally inclusive.

The ‘Clinician Quick Guide: Hepatitis B testing and management in pregnancy and beyond‘ is a comprehensive flowchart outlining best practice screening and follow up of mum and baby based on current Victorian and National guidelines. The resource is available online and as a hardcopy. After a formal evaluation at the end of 2023, we hope to obtain further funding to translate the booklet into languages other than English.

For hardcopies of the resources, or to schedule free personalised education sessions (online or face to face anywhere in Victoria), please contact Mieken Grant, Victorian Viral Hepatitis Nurse Educator,

Disclaimer: This article was provided by Mieken Grant, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network does not warrant or represent the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material included within.