New QI workbook to help general practices to improve diabetes our region

  19 August 2021  NWMPHN   

Our new diabetes quality improvement workbook is a great place to start if your practice wants to make a difference to diabetes care.

General practices play a pivotal role to diagnose, treat and educate people with diabetes to manage their conditions and avoid complications, and even to help prevent people getting diabetes at all.

New 2021 figures show that many local government areas in our region have higher rates of diabetes than the Victorian and Australian averages, with rates of prevalence ranging from 4.1 to 8.2 per cent (source: PHIDU 2021).

The Diabetes – Types 1 and 2 Quality Improvement Workbook will assist practices to undertake quality improvement activities using a simple step by step plan, templates and examples.

 Download the workbook.

It is a simple to use, self-guided tool for practices to track their progress and help provide best care. This and other workbooks can be downloaded from the Quality Improvement page of our website.

Not sure where to start?

Speak to your practice’s quality improvement program officer directly, or contact or call (03) 9347 1188.