For the first time in Victoria, clients can now access a specialised chronic pain program within community health.
This means that more clients will be able to receive the expertise and support they need to manage their pain sooner.
Over the next two years, cohealth is delivering the ‘Living Well with Pain’ chronic pain management program for people in Melbourne’s west. The program is a partnership with St Vincent’s Hospital Barbara Walker Centre for Pain Management.
The first program started – virtually – in November 2020. As COVID-19 restrictions ease, the program will be delivered in-person to groups, with each program running for four weeks.
For more detailed information refer to the patient brochure (.pdf).
How to refer
You can refer a client to the program through the cohealth website. Simply refer to ‘Physiotherapy’ and request the ‘Living Well with Pain’ program in the comments section. For more information on the program contact 03 9448 5521 or email livingwellwithpainfootscray@cohealth.org.au
For patients in the north
This new service at cohealth is in addition to the new service at Merri Health for patients in Melbourne’s north, which we announced in November 2020.
Both these services are funded by North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network.