New patient service at the Eye and Ear 

  9 February 2018  The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital   |   Third party content – view disclaimer

The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital are proud to announce the launch of a new patient information line for people using their services. The hospital infoline provides consumers with information in an accessible format and in six different languages. 

Patients can call to hear information about the Eye and Ear appointment process, how to get to the hospital and what to expect at their appointment. They can also listen to the information online. 

We would appreciate if you could tell patients that you refer to the Eye and Ear about the hospital infoline.

We are happy send you some postcards with the hospital infoline details for your clinic or rooms. To request postcards or if you’d like more information, please contact Consumer Liaison Officer Debra Hailes on or 03 9929 8225. 

GP Education

Two further GP education video-recorded sessions are now available for viewing online from the hospital website or praxhub (if you wish to obtain QICPD points).  See Dr Claire Iseli’s presentation on  “Nasal and Sinus Symptoms” and Dr Georgia Cleary’s presentation on “Allergic Eye Disease”. To access the presentations, scroll down to “Watch GP Education Sessions”. 

We are in the process of developing our GP education program for 2018.  We plan on developing 2 evening sessions and one Saturday afternoon session for 2018.  I will notify via this email when we have flyers and/or dates available. 

Chloramphenicol 1% eye ointment is now back in stock. 

Disclaimer: This article was provided by The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network does not warrant or represent the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material included within.