Mental health case conferencing items

Health professional talking to a client
  5 December 2023  Dr Jeannie Knapp…   

What’s new?

From 1 July 2023 the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) introduced new mental health case conferencing items.

These are designed to improve access to multidisciplinary, collaborative and coordinated mental health care, as well as promote good communication and shared care between providers. It also ensures equal access to case conferences for patients with mental health conditions and those with a chronic disease.

They apply to patients referred to the Better Access initiative or who have an active eating disorder treatment and management plan (EDTMP). The new items are for eligible providers to organise, coordinate or participate in case conferences to discuss a patient’s mental health care.

The case conference must be organised by a medical practitioner and must involve at least 2 other providers – for example a psychologist, dietitian, psychiatrist, or paediatrician. It can be face-to-face or virtual, or combined. The patient is not required to attend.

What are the requirements?

  • The patient has been referred for the Better Access initiative or has an active EDTMP.
  • A GP, other medical practitioner, consultant psychiatrist or consultant paediatrician organises and coordinates the case conference.
  • At least 2 other members of the multidisciplinary case conference team attend the case conference.
  • The patient agrees to the case conference taking place and to the participation of all practitioners in it.

What are the items?

Item number Descriptor Rebate
930 Attendance by a general practitioner, as a member of a multidisciplinary case conference team, to organise and coordinate a mental health case conference, if the conference lasts for at least 15 minutes, but for less than 20 minutes $77.45
933 Attendance by a general practitioner, as a member of a multidisciplinary case conference team, to organise and coordinate a mental health case conference, if the conference lasts for at least 20 minutes, but for less than 40 minutes $132.45
935 Attendance by a general practitioner, as a member of a multidisciplinary case conference team, to organise and coordinate a mental health case conference, if the conference lasts for at least 40 minutes $220.80
937 Attendance by a general practitioner, as a member of a multidisciplinary case conference team, to participate in a mental health case conference, if the conference lasts for at least 15 minutes, but for less than 20 minutes $56.90
943 Attendance by a general practitioner, as a member of a multidisciplinary case conference team, to participate in a mental health case conference, if the conference lasts for at least 20 minutes, but for less than 40 minutes $97.50
945 Attendance by a general practitioner, as a member of a multidisciplinary case conference team, to participate in a mental health case conference, if the conference lasts for at least 40 minutes $162.30

Source: Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)

Mental health services in our region

North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) commissions a wide range of mental health services for at-risk people in its region.

  • Our mental health and referral and access team comprises experienced mental health nurses, psychologists and social workers. They review referrals and allocate them to the most clinically appropriate service – regardless of who funds or provides it. GPs and other health professionals can use our single form to refer anyone experiencing mental ill health – particularly those who cannot access Medicare-funded or private mental health services.
  • HealthPathways Melbourne provides GPs and other health professionals up-to-date clinical and referral information for people experiencing mental ill health. It is designed by and for clinicians to be used at the point of care.
  • Our online System of Care tool is the quickest way to browse mental health, suicide prevention, and alcohol and other drug treatment services and support commissioned by NWMPHN. It includes contact details and referral forms.

Find out more about our mental health services here.

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