Is your practice prepared to respond to the Information Sharing Schemes requests starting from 19 April 2021?

  10 April 2021  Victorian Department of…   |   Third party content – view disclaimer

From Monday, 19 April 2021, general practitioners and general practice nurses will be prescribed under the following schemes:

  • the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) enables the sharing of information to promote the wellbeing or safety of a child or a group of children.
  • the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) enables the sharing of information for family violence risk assessment or risk management in relation to both children and adults.

The Schemes expand legal permissions to support professionals that work with children, families, victim survivors and perpetrators of family violence and help to create a more collaborative, integrated system to improve safety and wellbeing outcomes for all Victorians. Find out more about the Information Sharing Schemes in the Victorian Department of Health factsheet.

If you have questions, please email: or call 1800 549 646.

GPs and nurses are also encouraged to join our Family Violence Community of Practice for more information.

Disclaimer: This article was provided by Victorian Department of Health. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network does not warrant or represent the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material included within.