September is International Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
Although prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men in Australia, it has a very high five-year survival rate of 94 per cent. However, a significant number of patients report poor quality of life post-treatment, with many experiencing symptoms such as erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence.
Following the optimal care pathway for prostate cancer has the potential to significantly improve the experience for patients. The pathways help by building general practice’s awareness of symptoms, prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing guidelines, referral pathways, management options and supportive care needs. ‘What to expect‘ guides for prostate cancer patients are also available.
To help improve the experience for patients, HealthPathways Melbourne has developed the prostate cancer HealthPathway, which aligns with the national optimal care pathway for prostate cancer. To view this pathway login to HealthPathways. If you don’t already have access, you can request access from the HealthPathways Melbourne team by email to:
Other resources include:
- Prostate cancer optimal care pathways – educational videos
- PSA testing – patient scenario videos
- What’s new in prostate cancer treatment – video from Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network