Hepatitis B vaccine updates from North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network

  27 May 2019  NWMPHN   

Hepatitis B vaccine is now freely available to more vulnerable Victorians. A hepatitis B vaccination course provides valuable protection to people at an increased risk of exposure and infection 

Learn more about vaccines that are funded for your patients by the National Immunisation Program by registering for one of our upcoming education sessions. These sessions are accredited by the The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and participants can attend face-to-face or by webinar.

Adult vaccination update education sessions

Sunshine or webinar
6:30pm – 9:00pm

Dandenong or webinar
25 June
6:30pm – 9:00pm

Practices can contact Orly Janover to arrange a free hepatitis B practice visit to discuss vaccination and patient screening with your GPs and practice nurses:    

Email: orly.janover@nwmphn.org.au 
Phone: (03) 8578 0595