Healthdirect Australia is pleased to announce the extension of the healthdirect Video Call Exemplar (Service Pilot) Program to 30 June 2022.
The program provides Video Call licences free of charge for use by non-GP type primary care services classed as Mental Health, Aged Care, Maternity, Indigenous Health and Allied Health services.
At this stage, eligibility criteria for access to the Video Call Exemplar Program remains the same and all those services currently enrolled will maintain free access to Video Call licences. The Australian Department of Health is currently reviewing the eligibility criteria for this program and once these changes are confirmed (which we expect is imminent) Healthdirect Australia will promptly communicate these changes.
Please note:
- this article was updated on 6 July 2021. It originally advised that the Exemplar Program had been extended to 31 December 2021. Healthdirect Australia apologises for any inconvenience
- the healthdirect Video Call COVID-19 GP program has previously been extended to 31 December 2021.