Do you have patients, clients, staff or other visitors who could benefit from face-to-face assessment for any sort of respiratory issue?
Does your service lack capacity or adequate PPE to manage patients with respiratory symptoms?
Do you or your child need a test and a plan to manage cold, flu or COVID-like symptoms?
General practice respiratory clinics (GPRCs) now operate at 30 locations across Melbourne through partnerships between Primary Health Networks and the Victorian and Australian Governments.
GPRCs are designed to take the pressure off hospitals by giving patients access to face-to-face assessment of respiratory symptoms, testing (including for COVID-19) and immediate treatment close to where they live.
Bookings are readily available – there is no waiting in line.
Who can access a GPRC?
Anyone of any age with a respiratory issue can book an appointment at a GPRC.
A Medicare card is not essential, and the service is free. Some clinics are open after hours and on weekends.
The service is for people with:
- cold symptoms such as runny nose, sore throat or fever
- asthma
- hay fever
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- emphysema
- pneumonia
- shortness of breath
- influenza
- COVID-like symptoms.
Visit nwmphn.org.au/gprcs for more information including booking links, opening hours and a map of all GPRCs in metropolitan Melbourne.
GPRCs do not provide asymptomatic or pre-travel testing.
Posters to promote GPRCs
We encourage our stakeholders to use these posters to promote GPRCs and reduce pressure on our hospitals.
For patients
For hospitals and health service staff