GP liaison consultant role available at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne

  25 March 2021  St Vincent's Hospital…   

A position is available for a GP liaison consultant at St Vincent’s.

St Vincent’s GP Liaison Unit (GPLU) provides a consultancy service across St Vincent’s to develop the interface with general practice and improve the continuum of patient care.

The GP liaison role provides a consultancy service across St Vincent’s to continuously improve the interface with general practice and other key stakeholders, and improve the continuum of patient care.

The GPLU plays a number of roles, working with hospital units and departments to monitor and ensure timely communication and clinical handover with general practice, and collaborating in redesign of hospital services to improve efficiency and better patient care.

About the role

Overseeing the GPLU, you will work other hospital units within St Vincent’s on initiatives that deliver quality improvement and improve clinical handover and communication with general practice. Additional responsibilities include providing high quality continuing professional development events for general practice and providing guidance to St Vincent’s on service redesign to ensure initiatives are consistent with the requirements of general practice.

How to apply

The position is available for immediate commencement. View the position advertisement for more information and to apply.