Conference: AI in our healthcare future

  31 October 2023  Helen Carter, Australasian…   |   Third party content – view disclaimer

A leading conference in Melbourne in November will discuss the way forward for artificial intelligence in healthcare in Australia including risks, ethics and how AI can be safely used.

Australasia’s peak body for digital health, the Australasian Institute for Digital Health (AIDH), has organised AI.Care 2023 at Crown Melbourne from November 22-23.

More than 40 renowned experts including doctors and specialists from around Australia and overseas will deliver keynotes, lectures and workshops.

The conference will also showcase examples of how AI is making inroads across healthcare and explore how technology professionals, policy makers, health services and clinicians can collaborate.
Keynote speakers include German physician Dr Eva Weicken who is participating in a new WHO Global Initiative on AI for Health (GI-AI4H) and will deliver her opening plenary virtually on setting global standards for health AI innovation.

AIDH Interim CEO Mark Nevin

AIDH’s interim CEO Mark Nevin FAIDH will discuss implications of AI for the health workforce, a topic he will soon publish on.

Mr Nevin said AI technologies are being proposed for and implemented into clinical care. Health care professionals and providers should ask themselves if they are ready to work alongside these technologies.

“There have been calls and support for a national strategy to establish guardrails for AI in our sector and safely harness innovations that benefit patient care, with an emphasis on mitigating risks and maintaining human oversight over decisions that impact on health and wellbeing,” he said.

“In the not-too-distant future, most healthcare professions will be using AI in one of its many forms. This requires the workforce to upskill to understand how AI technologies work and how to manage their shortcomings.

“Deployment of AI in health must be guided by ethics, regulations and practical standards developed through collaboration between governments, consumers, academics, industry and peak bodies.”

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Disclaimer: This article was provided by Helen Carter, Australasian Institute of Digital Health. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network does not warrant or represent the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material included within.