Merri Health and DPV Health have come together to bring the local community a free, safe and effective vaccine hub at the Uniting Church in Victoria Street Coburg.
The vaccination centre will be open until 4 June (Mon-Fri) from 9:30am-4:30pm with both walk-ins and bookings available. Call 1300 378 829 to book.
The hub will only be administering the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) approved AstraZeneca vaccine to those aged 50 and over or referred by a doctor.
Merri Health is coordinating the site, while trained DPV Health staff administer the vaccinations. DPV are a government approved COVID-19 vaccinator.
The hub was officially opened by Merri Health CEO, Tassia Michaleas, DPV Health CEO, Don Tidbury and Mayor of Moreland, Cr Annalivia Carli Hannan. Find out more on the Merri Health website.