The Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research, Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) is pleased to announce the award of the 2021 Jeff Cheverton Memorial Scholarship to two outstanding and well deserved recipients:
Michelle Tran (University of Queensland)
Telehealth in Australia: Opportunities and challenges.
Dr Miia Rajha (Flinders University)
Reablement programs for community dwelling people with dementia
The Jeff Cheverton Memorial Scholarship was established in 2017 by AHHA, together with North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) and Brisbane North Primary Health Network (BNPHN), to honour the memory of Jeff Cheverton (1968-2017), who demonstrated excellence in health leadership.
“Congratulations to Michelle and Miia. Their chosen research areas will help our collective efforts to improve health care for our community, making them worthy recipients of this scholarship in memory of our friend and colleague Jeff Chevereton,” NWMPHN CEO Christopher Carter said.
The Jeff Cheverton scholarship supports high achieving medical students, PhD candidates and early career researchers to specifically develop a health policy issues brief on a topic relevant to primary health, mental health, aged care, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, or LGBTQI health.
Working alongside staff at AHHA, scholarship recipients are supported to establish connections with policymakers and practitioners working in their field of research, and to produce a Health Policy Issues Brief that engages health policy leaders in an area of national health policy significance. Policy Briefs authored by past scholarship recipients have received national attention from decision makers and can be found here.
The Jeff Cheverton memorial Scholarship also offers the opportunity to participate in the broader work of the Deeble Institute for Health Policy Institute and the AHHA.
More information about the Deeble Institute Scholarship program, including the Jeff Cheverton Memorial Scholarships can be found here.