STI Community of Practice - Doxy PEP

12 Nov 2024
06:30 PM - 08:30 PM


Available to
General Practice
Practice Nurses
General Practitioners

Continuing Professional Development

This activity has been approved for the following hours and type: 2 Educational activities hours for the RACGP Triennium 23-25. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.


After hours
Supporting the workforce
Blood borne viruses

These sessions will provide an opportunity to ask questions, participate in case discussions, seek advice, network and provide peer support.

Hosted by the Victorian HIV and Hepatitis Integrated Training And Learning (VHHITAL) program, this webinar is intended to support primary healthcare practitioners with the opportunity to bring case studies for discussion and mutual learning. This peer learning approach enhances the future practice of low case load practitioners or even the most experienced practitioners who can benefit from being part of a community of practice.

Doxy-PEP involves taking 200mg of doxycycline up to 72 hours after a high risk sexual act to reduce the risk of bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STI) especially among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM). Clinical trials of Doxy-PEP have shown significant reductions in syphilis and chlamydia, and to a lesser degree, gonorrhoea.


Individuals who might benefit from Doxy-PEP need to be supported on an on-going basis to understand whether this STI prevention strategy is suitable for them in their current context, in addition to conventional STI prevention strategies such as condoms.


Join us for an update on Doxy-PEP and how to determine whether this might be a suitable strategy for your patients.

All practitioners are invited to submit cases for discussion.

Do you have a case to volunteer or have a discussion topic are you most interested in? 

Email VHHITAL to let us know!

Syphilis staging and treatment? Complex case with MG/NG resistance? Co-infection? Strategies to reduce stigma and discrimination in sexual healthcare settings? Participants are encouraged to submit their cases or topics for discussion to E: prior to the webinar.

Facilitator: Dr Melanie Bissessor, Sexual Health Physician (Melbourne Sexual Health Centre) in conjunction with VHHITAL