Paediatric life support and recognition of the seriously ill child

15 Mar 2025
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM


Available to

Continuing Professional Development

ACRRM accredited and RACGP points available via self-reporting

Event Location
Alfred Simulation Centre
89 Commercial Road
Melbourne VIC 3004

This hybrid course (online and one day practical) covers the following topics: - - Pathways leading to cardiorespiratory arrest in children

  • Anatomical and physiological differences between adults and children
  • Skills required for recognition, assessment and management of the critically ill child using a structured DRSABCDEFG approach
  • BLS in paediatrics using the ANZCOR Basic Life Support Flowchart
  • Management of a foreign body airway obstruction (FBOA)
  • Cardiac arrest management using the ANZCOR ALS algorithm 
  • Airway management skills and manual defibrillation
  • Medications used in cardiac arrest
  • Essential skills required to effectively function as part of an emergency response team.