Adult ALS 2

22 Mar 2025
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM


Available to

Continuing Professional Development

ACRRM accredited and RACGP points available via self-reporting

Event Location
Alfred Simulation Centre
89 Commercial Road
Melbourne VIC 3004

This course is designed for health care providers. There are two theory modules in this course:

  • Basic life support (BLS)
  • Advanced life support (ALS)

There is a practical component that requires completion in order to obtain your certificate of completion.

Learning outcomes:

Learning objectives for BLS:

  • Identify the indication for basic life support (BLS) in adults
  • Apply the appropriate actions for DRSABCD
  • Outline the safe and effective use of automated external defibrillator (AED)
  • Recall the management of Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (FBOA)

Learning objectives for ALS:

  • Outline the principles of cardiac arrest management
  • Apply the ANZCOR ALS algorithm to the management of a cardiac arrest
  • Demonstrate the skills of airway management and manual defibrillation
  • Explain the different medications used in the treatment of cardiac arrest
  • Identify the essentials skills required to function as an effective team member within the response team.