For more information, contact the Mental Health team on 03 9347 1188.
Youth psychosis: Reaching young people who are unable to access support
30 June 2018
$1.5 million
Mental health is the highest burden of disease for 12-25 year olds and demand for services continues to outstrip supply, with particularly high demand in the growth corridors of Melton, Hume and Wyndham.
The focus of this program is to enhance outcomes for young people at risk of experiencing first episode psychosis, particularly for those who would not otherwise access the service system. Much of this evidence in responding to young people experiencing first episode psychosis has been learned from activities in North Western Melbourne, particularly through the work of Orygen Youth Health over many years (Australian Clinical Guidelines for Early Psychosis, 2016).
Each partnership in the program will focus on a different at-risk group of young people, including young Aboriginal people, those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and 12-14 year olds experiencing psychosis for the first time. The partnerships come on top of additional funding provided to regional headspace centres last year to improve access and capacity.
The application of this funding will serve to enhance partnerships and ways of working that enable young people to obtain the right care at the right time.
All programs use a team approach that draws on the key elements of evidence-based care for early psychosis to achieve improved client outcomes such as:
- Young people are more engaged with their communities.
- Young people are more engaged in school or vocational activities.
- Young people have better physical health and manage their wellbeing.
- Young people are able to manage their mental health in partnership with others.
- Young people have identified their path to recovery.
- Establish trusting, long-term therapeutic relationship.
- Be goal driven and address the needs of the young person, with clear choice about options provided.
- Person centered- the approach should be determined to meet the needs of the young person.